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Web of Lies Page 32
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“If by open mind you mean a giant orgy with nine other people, I’m not sure I’m your girl.” She laughed with nervous energy.
Ian was silent as he tugged her through the building and into the elevator. Even his fingers were trembling while pressing on the button for the penthouse floor. Good God, did he have a body he needed help burying? Where was the emergency stop button on the damn elevator? She frantically looked around but before she knew it, they were stepping off and walking to his front door. She watched Ian take a deep breath before pushing the door open, then ushering her inside.
“Uh, this is a hard, no.” Audrey turned around upon seeing Lance standing in the entryway.
“Audrey, we need you to listen.” Lance pleaded not only with his words, but his eyes.
“We? Do you have a pet mouse in your pocket?” She choked back her tears.
“No, we as in us,” Ian pointed between himself and Lance. “My brother and I.”
“Haha. Very funny.” Rolling her eyes, she looked back and forth between each man. It wasn’t long until she began to see the similarities between them. Those cheekbones, the way they stood, “Holy shit.” She whispered. “This is sick, you two are sick.” She spat.
Ian began, “I didn’t know who you were when I met you, Audrey. I had no clue you and Lance were together in college.”
She hastily swiped her tears, not wanting to show weakness. “Why would you get a job with me if you weren’t trying to mess with me?” she asked.
“The truth is our family’s paper is failing and we knew your column was the one thing that kept your paper afloat. We wanted to see what it took to make you tick.” He shrugged as if he just answered, what is two plus two.
“Hand to God, we didn’t know it was you who wrote that column,” Lance chimed in.
“But you still lied to me about him being your best friend instead of your brother. Why would you do that?” She cried.
“Because I didn’t want to face the fact that I fucked up back in college. I was forced to leave you.” Lance admitted.
“I don’t believe that. Your dad came to me with a check, saying you hated me and wanted me out of your life.” She yelled, the sound echoing off the walls of the apartment.
“Not true.” Lance hung his head. That was the first time she’d ever seen his cocky mask fall. “I never asked him to pay you off. That was all his doing.”
“But you knew about it. That’s just as bad.” Her arms flailed in the air. “And you,” Audrey stepped forward, poking her finger into Ian’s chest. “You’re just like him,” she pointed to Lance. “I thought you were honest and decent.”
“Sure, I lied, I’ll admit that. But I did it to try and save something our family built. You need to understand that.” He defended.
“Audrey, I’m sorry for what happened back then. I should have told you the truth when I found out. I can’t undo the fact that I hurt you, but I can try to make it right.” Lance stepped forward but she put her hand up to stop him.
“Did you know that your father also told me I would never amount to anything?” she sobbed.
“Shit.” Ian cursed.
“He’s the reason I never believed in myself enough to follow my dreams. I figured if a big publishing guru like him could see it, then it must be true.” She took a deep breath. “But now, I know he was wrong.” She held her chin high.
“Why didn’t you cash the check?” Lance asked.
She laughed. “Because I figured your dad needed it, you know, to buy a heart. Clearly he didn’t have one.” She paused. “I’m beginning to think the same about you too,” her gaze met Ian’s.
“That’s not true. I do have a heart.”
“How can you be sure?” she asked.
“Because every time I’m around you, it beats faster.” He reached down, grabbing her hands in his. “I don’t know where we go from here, but even if you leave, I want you to know how much you mean to me. I deceived you and that was wrong, but I can promise you I’ll never utter another lie to you.”
“Also, we wanted to give you this,” Lance passed a document to her.
“What is this?” Audrey tried to read through blurry vision but was having a hard time.
“Well, we know our family’s paper is doomed so we decided to use the hundred thousand dollars to start an online magazine.” Ian said. “We want you to be our leading journalist, Audrey.”
“Forget it, I’m not spewing a bunch of fluff for people to read.” She crumpled up the paper, tossing it across the room.
“That’s just it, we want you to write what you want to. You can have full creative freedom when writing.” Ian shrugged.
“What if I say no?” she asked.
“Then Ian here will have to write it. Personally, I don’t want his sappy shit in this magazine.” Lance clapped Ian on the back.
“I’ll think about it,” Audrey nodded her head.
She’d been lied to, deceived and hurt by both men in front of her, but even so, she found herself stronger than ever. There would always be anger for what’d happened in her past, but she was done with letting it hold her hostage. It was time to let go and finally live.
A new day has begun and I’m not sure where it will take me. An adventure perhaps? Or a conundrum that I’ll have to find my way out of? Who can really say? I’m happy to report that I am, however, reformed. Not in a criminal sort of way, but in matters of the heart. I didn’t mean for my reformation to come about, it just happened. You know, like a bird shitting on your head while you walk through the park on your lunch break. I’m not comparing love to bird poop, but they are similar in a way— both have light areas and dark areas. They also come out of nowhere. There was one big obstacle in my way of finding the elusive L word though and that was forgiveness. No, not forgiving those who wronged me, but forgiving myself. I’d held myself accountable for what others did to me when I should have let the blame go to the ones responsible. Shame on me. I guess that’s the point of this article. Stop beating yourself up for the things in life you can’t control. Take each day as a lesson on how to become the strongest person you can be. And for Pete's sake, don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough, because, well, they are wrong! This is Audrey Chandler signing off from Miami Online Weekly. Stay tuned for more hard-hitting content as we roll out your best source for all things news related.
Article by Audrey Chandler
A Phoenix Saga Novella Part 3
A.C. Williams
Chapter One
I should have never left the house alone. I should have waited. I should have just called Peck. But every action has a consequence, and now that I have been backed into a corner, I will fight like never before.
Everything seems to be flying at me, like shrapnel exploding from a makeshift bomb. Thoughts. Words. Memories. Hands. Bad intentions. A near-flawless plan. My throat sears as Luca presses his weight down upon me. My breath is caught. My lungs burn. My eyes water under the pressure. A fog swiftly swirls through my mind; the tighter Luca’s grip around my neck becomes, the more he awakens the dragon within me. A heart so tender to those I love, turns to solid ice when faced with a violent foe. Malice, rage and bloodthirst battle for their chance to rule me. Typically, I’d fight to keep these emotions in check, but I’m a big believer in an eye-for-an-eye. Give what you get. These people deceived me. I will not rest until my vengeance is claimed.
As Luca peers down at me with hatred in his eyes, not wasting any mercy upon me, I return the favor. No mercy. No fear. No kindness. My arms swing with hostility as my blood boils. My legs kick under the pressure of his hold. He laughs because he thinks he has me trapped. I laugh because I’m simply playing his game.
We’re not alone in the car. Luca’s driver Michael sits up front next to Paco in the passenger seat. In my peripheral vision, I can see Paco reaching for me. There is something sharp in his right hand. I’m pressed down
against the white leather material of the back seat. Luca is standing over me, his fingers laced around my throat, his teeth clenched as he tries to silence me into submission. His face, which I always remembered to be so cool and calculating was red with rage and anger.
Despite the pressure upon my neck, I do the only thing I know how to do. I push back. I fight. I show the Kingpin that I am more than what I appear to be. I am a raven wearing the guise of an innocent. I am a warrior in the body of a girl. I am an assassin ready to draw first blood. His eyes tell me all that I need to know. He knows there is more to me than meets the eye. He knows I will not easily be silenced. Luca knows that I do not come alone. There is an army at my back. There is a powerful force within my heart. And while Luca may be the Kingpin, I am reminded that in the scholarly game of chess, it is the queen that is the most formidable of all. She is silent. She looks the part and wears her crown. But when it comes time to strike, the queen devours all in her path. As history would prove, it takes a lot more than a man with an obsession to take me down.
The car begins to creep away and I can feel my anxiety bubble up, dancing in a circle with my rage and my temper, my malice and my determination. As I fight against Luca, he hits me back— a sharp slap across my face causing my lip to redden with blood. Returning his hand to my neck, I know, time is running out for me. Time is running short as I feel dizzy from the lack of blood and oxygen getting to my brain. Think, Lana. Think of what to do. Paco’s hand is closer now. I can see the tip of the needle he wants to jab me with.
Five loud pops clang against the back of the car as the back-window shatters and splinters to tiny bits. Peck cries out into the night. He sounds terrified. Peck. The gun. Where is the gun? Slyly, I curl my hand back reaching for the gun. In a swift movement, I pop the cartridge into the bottom and take the safety off just like Peck showed me. Pointing it up into Luca’s face, he smirks and says something, but I cannot understand what he is saying. Luca then pulls out his own gun and presses it to my temple. His gun is cold against my flesh, but I do not fear death. I only fear the impact that would be felt by those who love me. Paco is yelling now. His hand is just inches away. I can hear Torian’s voice in my head, ‘Don’t hesitate. It could be the difference between life and death.’ Do it, Lana, I urge myself. Just do it. As Paco’s arm reeled back with a fully loaded speedball needle in his grip, I make my move, aiming my gun at Paco’s head.
Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!
Four shots cry out into the night, one after another unloaded into Paco’s skull. One of my hits missed, shattering the windshield of the car, but three sunk deep into Paco’s head, rendering him dead the instant they hit. Blood spattered violently against the cream interior of the car. I watched as Paco’s speedball fell to the floor, now wet with blood.
“Little bitch,” Luca snapped as he pressed his body closer to mine and clenched upon my neck tighter.
I didn’t have time for small talk, though. As the car careened around the corner of Hancock Street, and a terrible scream erupted from Peck’s mouth, I pointed my gun up at Luca and took a shot. My aim wasn’t as precise as I had hoped as it missed his head entirely. Taking another shot, the bullet grazed his neck and shattered through the glass behind him as blood began to spurt from an artery. I fought under Luca’s weight as he brought his hand to cover up the blood gushing from his neck. But in a fit of rage, Luca reached for the speedball needle that had fallen upon the floor. Snarling his upper lip, Luca glared at me with deep hostility and drilled the needle into my neck. Injecting a drug into my vein, I wanted to scream, but I suddenly found my ability to speak, or scream, or move for that matter, had been suddenly revoked. My blood was on fire as the drug hit my system. I could feel myself drowning under the weight of intoxication. Floating. Falling. A rapid downward spiral. I felt like I was falling down Alice’s rabbit hole, crashing to depths unknown. As I succumbed to the powerful drug, I could hear the terrible growl of a Harley revving to life.
Peck slammed down upon the throttle of his Harley as a terrible glare shot out from his eyes. The screen door of Maude’s house swung open as Nick, Charlie and Torian stormed out.
“What the fuck is going on?!” Torian demanded to know as he cast a nervous look at Peck.
Peck stood silent for a moment as he tried to gain his composure, but it did no good. Peering up at Torian, Peck snarled viciously as he said. “Round up a fuckin’ crew! He’s got her! You two,” Peck said as he pointed to Charlie and Torian. “I need on the streets! Nickles, stay with your grandmother. No cops! T! Go wake up Serrano! We’re gonna need him!”
Nick and Charlie had looks of pure terror in their eyes.
“There were shots!” Charlie yelled. “Who was shot?!”
Peck’s eyes watered. His hands shook upon the leather grips of his motorcycle. Through gritted teeth, Peck admitted, “I don’t know.”
“Luca took her?!” Nick exclaimed as he stared at the look on Peck’s face. Peck didn’t reply though as his eyes zoned to the street ahead.
No one answered Nick’s question, though. Torian and Charlie took off on foot, rushing towards the Serrano house. Without another word, Peck sped off on his Harley, not even bothering to toss a helmet on his head or a shirt on his back. He trailed the path that the Benz had taken, curling onto Mountain Street. The night wind whipped through Peck’s hair. Peck’s muscles tensed, his stomach ached with anxiety, and his jaw was locked as he kept his eyes on the street ahead, desperate to not lose the car. Curling onto Front Street, he could see the back of the Benz as it cut across South End. Peck revved his engine loudly as he tore after the car, hell-bent on catching up and delivering a hearty dose of street justice before they could hurt Alanna. Peck feared he was too late. His mind replayed the events over and over again. The way both Alanna and Luca slumped down in the back seat scared the daylights out of Peck.
Please, God. Please. I will never put another toe out of line. Please just let Alanna be okay. Please Alanna, don’t be dead. Jesus. Don’t be dead, Peck thought. I should have just waited with her at Serrano’s house. She was there, what? Twenty minutes? Why would she walk by herself? Where the fuck is Tony?! Why wouldn’t she call me?
Peck continued to think of all the different scenarios that could have occurred in his head as he chased after Luca’s white Mercedes Benz. What if Alanna was dead? What if Luca was dead? Where were they taking her? I know his plan is to draw me out, well here I am motherfucker! Let the girl go! Come at me!
Peck sped through three stop signs and a traffic light, desperate to catch up to Luca’s vehicle. The driver seemed to notice that he was being tailed and made a sharp left down Sixth Street, its wheels groaning as it went.
“C’mon, you son of a bitch! Come after me! She didn’t do shit to you! Come after me!” Peck snarled.
Peck’s bike accelerated once again, cutting the distance between his front tire and the back of Luca’s car. Peck’s knuckles whitened as he gripped the handlebars of his bike, revving loudly, making damn sure that Luca heard him. As Peck eliminated the distance between himself and Luca, his heart pounded in his chest. It felt like it was about to give out on him. He was determined to keep fighting until Alanna was returned to safety. It was my life’s work, Peck thought. Keeping Alanna safe. Baby girl. My reason for continuing to fight on, day in and day out. And if he has taken her from us forever, I will drain the life from his body. If she is gone, I will have nothing left to fight for. Please be alive, Lana. Please keep fighting. Please don’t be dead.
As tears blinded Peck’s sight, he raged forward, standing on his bike with a murderous expression pouring from his eyes.
Torian and Charlie hustled as they whipped around the corner of Hancock Street with frenzied expressions plaguing their eyes. There was a sick feeling in Charlie’s stomach. He wanted to hurl all over the pavement, but he tried with every ounce of energy and strength he had to hold everything together. Torian gritted his teeth as he pushed forward. The same fire that Peck had saved him from
the night before, was the same fire Torian was about to throw himself into.
“He’s a fucking coward!” Torian snapped. “His beef is not wit’ her. It’s with the guys! This is the same shit he pulled on my sister!”
Charlie didn’t say anything as the memory of Torian’s sister came to mind. He could feel the anxiety rise in his chest, and the slow pang of an attack coming on.
Push it down, Charlie thought. Lana’s in serious trouble. You don’t have time for this shit. Fall apart later.
Hector and Tony Serrano were standing on the front porch as Torian and Charlie raced up Fernon Street. Tony and Hector stood with worried looks on their faces, with their toned arms crossed over their barrel chests. They had both heard a series of terrifying screams coming from a block over, but they weren’t sure what had occurred. The front door opened behind them as Cris stepped out with a disoriented expression on his face. He had pulled on a pair of jeans, his sneakers and a t-shirt to see what was happening outside. The gunshots were loud enough to wake the dead, Cris thought. Rubbing his eyes, he peered out at his brother and father.
“What’s going on?” Cris asked groggily.
Hector replied nervously, “I’m not sure, son.”
“There’s Charlie and T,” Tony said as he stepped off the porch onto the pavement with a wary look in his eyes.
Cris looked out, seeing the nervous edge to Charlie’s eyes, immediately beginning to panic. He could hear the angry throttle of a Harley roaring in the distance.
Peck. Alanna. Oh, my God. What has happened? Cris wondered.
Cris launched himself off the porch as he ran to Charlie.
“What’s happened?!” Cris demanded to know. “Where is she?! Where is my girl?!”
Charlie didn’t know how to tell Cris the news. His emotions bubbled up in him, hot and tempestuous, choking Charlie as he stared at one of his best friends. How do I tell him the very thing that will unhinge him? How do I tell him the very thing that will break his heart once again? Charlie painfully thought.